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On the television in the Kansas City market this evening:

Announcer: You don’t work on Wall Street or have a K Street lobbyist. You’re not a billionaire or a banker. And too many here just aren’t listening to you. But, she is.

Claire McCaskill fought devastating cuts to Medicare because you earned your benefits. And she teamed up with a Republican senator to crack down on pork barrel spending and end the back room deals.

No, you don’t work on Wall Street or have a lobbyist. But, you do have Claire McCaskill and she’s fighting for you.

[Paid For By Patriot Majority USA. http://www.patriotmajority.org]

Patriot Majority?:

….Patriot Majority USA is is a 501(c)(4) with the primary purpose of encouraging a discussion of economic issues in the United States.  To facilitate this discussion of economic issues, Patriot Majority USA utilizes the full spectrum of modern communications tools, including both earned and paid media, web sites, social media and online networking….

….As part of its primary purpose in 2011, Patriot Majority USA opposes economic policies that would kill jobs, threaten America’s economic recovery and harm America’s families.  We also oppose fiscal policies that would end Medicare as we know it and destabilize America’s economic recovery….

Earned media? Why, that would be us.


Sen. Claire McCaskill (D): Patriot Majority USA – a counter ad to right wingnut astroturf (July 25, 2011)